The New Year is Officially Here!

Gold And Black Minimalist Happy New Year 2023 Instagram Post



How many people set a New Year’s Resolution each year; only to realize that by the end of January, the resolution is not only forgotten but never completed?

I am one of those people.

We are changing the game this year! There are no more New Year’s Resolutions.
No more commitments or goals that are not fulfilled.

Instead of setting a New Year’s Resolution, my friends, colleagues, and myself, have decided that we would pick a word. One word to be exact; however, it is totally up to you to choose however many words you would like for this new chapter of your life.

Personally, I have to pray and ponder over what that word will be; because I know it’s going to stretch me. This year my word came through a sermon. I know it might sound cliche but when I heard it, I knew it. The word resonated in my heart and in my spirit. The word was Recovery.
Recovery doesn’t just happen. It takes work.

That’s where the stretching comes into play and it’s time to get busy. Stretching can look different for everyone. For some it may be going to therapy, forgiving a loved one, scheduling quiet time, or establishing financial boundaries, etc.

Sidenote: Any word that you choose must be chosen with intentionality.

Be prepared to labor and get into the trenches with it. It won’t always be easy, but in the end, it will be worth it.

Lastly, share your word with others that will hold you accountable and remind you of the significance that it holds for the year.

As always, I’m rooting for you!

Wishing you a very blessed and prosperous New Year!

P.S. I would love to hear what your word of the year is for 2023!